Last night, for the umpteenth time, the 1999 film “The Matrix” was on TV. I flicked over and found myself in the middle of the “Battery” scene which is embedded above.
There are fields, endless fields, where human beings are no longer born. We are grown. For the longest time I wouldn’t believe it, and then I saw the fields with my own eyes. Watch them liquefy the dead so they could be fed intravenously to the living.
It’s a harrowing image; children not bred as the product of love to be raised and nurtured but harvested for profit. Neo is rightly outraged. Who could treat children in such a callous evil way? Well the answer in the film is that it’s machines.
And then yesterday a story begins sweeping the internet and we learn this (hard, but necessary to watch)
Words fail me. She sits there, munching salad, discussing how abortions can be carried out, with the aid of ultrasound, in a manner that protects the integrity of the “calvarium” (in standard butcher shop parlance she refuses to use actual terms like, in this instance, “head”. Similarly these are all “specimens”). Why so careful? Well a baby head is worth money and that’s worth using an ultrasound so that forceps can be used to “protect” the “specimen”. The baby is turned to a breech position for a similar reason.
As the conversation continues we see that there is a price list, that the “doctor” (I find it hard to use a word that is meant to describe someone who heals) is clearly given a ticket of items of “specimens” to “yield”. The abortion practioners have a “huddle at the start of the day” to plan the abortions to maximise the yield; the dollar rewards of their labour.
I’m not sure this needs further commentary except to suggest that you get very angry and, if you live in the States, contact your elected representatives and raise merry hell over this one. And then pray hard, not least for mercy for a person like this because if justice were to be done that is an even more terrifying thought.
Oh, and this:
Psa. 82:3-4 Give justice to the weak and the fatherless; maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.
Planned parenthood have issued a response that opens up with this comedy:
In health care, patients sometimes want to donate tissue to scientific research that can help lead to medical breakthroughs, such as treatments and cures for serious diseases.
Except, of course, what was being discussed was not “donation” but simple trade. Body parts for cash. They end with this:
These groups have been widely discredited and their claims fall apart on closer examination, just as they do in this case.
Well I say, good for Planned Parenthood and their desire for “closer examination”. Let’s demand just that and see where examination of the claims leads us. In the meantime I’ll remain outraged as a senior official eats her salad and discusses supply and demand for broken up babies.
Just when you thought it couldn’t get more disgusting! I do hope the Americans make an appropriately loud noise about it.
Thank you for providing the link to Planned Parenthood response to balance the blog post.
They do state that:
“There is no financial benefit for tissue donation for either the patient or for Planned Parenthood. In some instances, actual costs, such as the cost to transport tissue to leading research centers, are reimbursed, which is standard across the medical field.”
If they would actually be selling body parts that would be illegal and should be investigated and prosecuted.
Note how order form did not have any prices.
“If they would actually be selling body parts that would be illegal and should be investigated and prosecuted.”
And there we have it – the Nuremberg defence: “I was only following lawful orders”.
It’s outrageous if they’re making money out of it – it’s not outrageous that the body parts are used to advance scientific knowledge through research, that we all benefit from.
Sounds to me like it needs proper regulation and laws. If someone has broken the law (that’s civil law) then they need to be held accountable.
“It’s outrageous if they’re making money out of it – it’s not outrageous that the body parts are used to advance scientific knowledge through research, that we all benefit from.”
Sure. You can kill unborn children in order to get body parts to use for the more deserving. On that same logic, you can kill other unwanted members of society for their body parts, such as the disabled. And then you can move on to those who are deviant in their thinking. Its all been done before, in Germany in the 1930s and probably elsewhere also.
And the Nazi apparatchiks would have admired your focus on “proper regulation and laws”. So long as any action is backed by a law, you should feel free to do it, and if you are ever called to account, just use the Nuremberg defence: “I was only obeying the laws of my country; I was only following lawful orders”.
Greg, Jon. As I understand it (having read it somewhere today but failed to copy the link) parts can be donated as long as the mother is only asked after the termination.
What we see in this video is two clear things:
i premeditation of the act of harvesting body parts – thus a decision is being made, those involved are planning and parts are being offered prior to that consent.
ii no sense that this is simply a discussion over recouping the costs of transport.
That the order form does have prices doesn’t surprise me. Even people who make their trade out of cutting babies into pieces have to have some limits on how crassly they can behave. Well, perhaps.
Here’s the federal legislation. Since it covers interstate transfer, I assume there is also legislation specific to each state.
Here’s also an advertising pamphlet from a purchasor speaking of profitability for the clinics and citing an endorsement from Planned Parenthood.
StemExpress Flyer by David Ould
I think there comes a moment when deniability is one thing but the obvious intent more than undermines it.
Gregory, there is proper regulation and laws. If Planned Parenthood or research companies have broken the laws they should be persecuted. Actually the USA stem cell laws are so tough that many companies have moved to Singapore.
Where do get the info that they are “making money out of it”? They said that “There is no financial benefit for tissue donation for either the patient or for Planned Parenthood.”
i) I don’t see what is wrong with “premeditation of the act of harvesting body parts”. I’m an organ donor as government asked me to be one. Hospital had already a system to use my body parts prior my consent. BTW I will also offer my kids body parts if they happen die before they turn 18.
ii) People make claims like “no sense that this is simply a discussion over recouping the costs”. Where do people get this info and is there any evidence for this? This kind of allegation of illegal activity should be substantiated or withdrawn.
“i) I don’t see what is wrong with “premeditation of the act of harvesting body parts”. I’m an organ donor as government asked me to be one.”
But somebody else doesn’t make the decision to kill you in order to harvest your body parts for the more deserving.
You don’t see what’s wrong with killing unborn children to harvest their body parts – sure. On that logic, there is no problem will killing other unwanted members of society for their body parts. Let’s move on to the disabled next. and then those whose thinking is flawed – deviants, dissidents etc. This is just one of the fundamental concepts of Nazism re-packaged and presented as the hip-hop happening thang…
Hence why decent people are rightly disgusted and revolted by this.
I don’t see what is wrong with “premeditation of the act of harvesting body parts”.
Because, as per the comment, it’s illegal without consent of the mother who can only be asked after the procedure.
People make claims like “no sense that this is simply a discussion over recouping the costs”. Where do people get this info and is there any evidence for this?
I don’t believe you’ve watched the video.
David, where does it say that “it’s illegal without consent of the mother who can only be asked after the procedure”. Reading the law it looks like you could do that once a mother has made abortion decision. I wouldn’t be surprised if this is in the form a mother has to fill prior the abortion. Paperwork probably includes questions about what should happen to the fetus.
2min39s they show $30 – $100 per specimen. Transport includes special cold storage container which probably need to be returned and fast [even interstate] courier service. Harvesting parts is also more expensive than not doing that. Can you explain how anyone can make money on that?
I’m sorry Jon, I don’t have the link at the moment. I’ll try and dig it out when I can find it but for now you’ll have to take my word for it.
Oh please Jon. Why are they bothering with all of this if there is not money to be made?
Come to think of it, the Nazis weren’t specifically about making money when they sanctioned the abortion of deformed, disabled and non-Aryan babies. Nor when they moved on to killing deformed, disabled and deviant adults. So perhaps its not a matter of killing for money but of killing for ideology. Whatever.
Of course, the Nazis sensibly made what money they could, as a side-effect of their ideological killings, hence the extraction of gold teeth, and experiments with making soap from body fat. All for the public benefit of course, just like the harvesting of organs from abortions.
MichaelA, we bother (doing research and being organ donor) because we want to help others. There other goals and rewards in life than just money. And comparing your opponents to Nazis or associating health care providers to Nuremberg defense is usually a bad idea. Generally this the analogy fails and just looks silly.
You stated “You don’t see what’s wrong with killing unborn children to harvest their body parts – sure. On that logic”. Your logic fails when you are creating causality between two things that does not exist. Mothers don’t have abortions to harvest the body parts. You need to understand why abortions happen.
David, sorry I don’t have a habit taking anyone’s word without evidence. Just because someone with an axe to grind claims something in Youtube video does it make it so, and I recommend that you also don’t just take someone’s or my word without evidence.
Planned Parenthood are no more “health care providers” than the Nazis running Auschwitz were accommodation providers
“Planned Parenthood operate 700 health centers throughout the United States and 2.7 million women and men in the United States annually visit Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood provides nearly 400,000 Pap tests and nearly 500,000 breast exams each year, critical services in detecting cancer. Planned Parenthood provides nearly 4.5 million tests and treatments for sexually transmitted infections, including 700,00 HIV tests. Three percent of all Planned Parenthood health services are abortion services.”
I’ve been to Auschwitz. Planned Parenthood does not seem to resemble Auschwitz.
and they kill babies Jon. They kill babies. And sometimes kill them in a way that will get some extra dollars for the parts they can pass on.
It’s hard to have a discussion with claim “extra dollars for the parts” when that is not what they are doing that (or provide evidence), or claim “kill babies” when that is not what they are doing. I guess everyone needs his narrative.
As you have tragically just demonstrated.
David, maybe this isn’t such a bad thing in the sense that it exposes and highlights abortion for what it really is (an attack on innocence and the destruction of a potential human life) after the world has become so blasé about it. Some people think that God isn’t doing His job (or doesn’t exist) when He allows horrible evils to take place and apparently makes no effort to prevent or punish the wrongdoers.
On the contrary, God allows or permits evils to highlight the contrast (to goodness/purpose/use) so that we personally may take responsibility and make the choice and effort to desist and cast them out of our lives. If God intervened directly and openly we would merely be robots. God actually is the source of all good (the inspiration and power to act comes from Him) but gives us the sense of doing it ourselves so that we can ‘own’ it.
If God acted directly into human affairs in the world we would have no free-will/appearance of free-will (i.e. would not be human) and would therefore not be candidates for eternal life. God acts through the agency of human beings by inspiring them to learn His truth and act on it. If we’re ignorant or not willing, He allows the evil so that we can see the consequences and make a wiser choice second time round.