One of the great things about running a website like this is that you start to build up a community of like-minded readers and commenters. Many of you are Christians and share the same concerns that I have and, in some way, feel part of what’s going on here. With that in mind I want to give readers a chance to be part of something of mutual interest, rather than just ploughing on with it myself.
In August I’m going on a short trip to Austria, flying via Thailand. Although it’s not the main point of the journey, I’m going to take the opportunity of a long layover in Bangkok and the time in Austria to visit not just one but two missionaries. The first is Karl Dahlfred who teaches at Bangkok Bible Seminary. In Austria I’ll be catching up with Rob and Arabelle Horne who I went through Moore College with and are now working with students in Linz, supported by CMS NSW Australia.
Those of us in ministry are a weird breed. We love theological resources. Karl and Rob are no different. I’ve asked both of them what I can bring and have put together a list.
This is where you come in. I’m happy to buy these materials out of my own pocket but I also know that sharing in this kind of thing is a joy for many Christians (2Cor. 9:7) and it’s also an encouragement for Karl and Rob to know that all sorts of Christians who they’ve never met want to partner in their ministry (Phil. 1:5).
So that’s what I’m inviting you to do. Donate whatever you want and know that you’re part of Karl and Rob’s work. I’ll remove the button if the donations get close to the total outlay (currently around A$300).
Thanks for considering being part of this. We end up with the same result, but now there’s a whole bunch more people involved together. Win.
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