The following motion was passed in the last hour by the 50th Synod of the Anglican Diocese of Sydney.
9.23 Global Anglicanism
Synod –(a) gives God thanks for the success of GAFCON 2013 (Global Anglican Future Conference) being made up of 1358 delegates from 39 countries including the 99 delegates from Australia,
(b) recognises that GAFCON is an emerging instrument of communion when others have failed to provide the well needed leadership at a time of growing liberalism within Anglicanism, aggressive secularism, militant Islamism and seductive syncretism,
(c) encourages and supports GAFCON/FCA (Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans) in its desire to expand its membership, develop networks, authorise and affirm those who have been excluded by their dioceses or provinces,
(d) recognising Synod’s desire to be in full communion with the ACNA (Synod resolution 46/09), Synod congratulates the Most Reverend Foley Beach on his consecration as Archbishop to the ACNA (Anglican Church of North America),
(e) encourages the development of FCA Australia and its inaugural conference, “The Anglican Future Conference” to be held in Melbourne next year,
(f) looks forward to the next GAFCON as a principle gathering of leaders in the Anglican Communion, and
(g) requests the Secretary to write to The FCA Primates’ Council, The ACNA and FCA Australia informing them of this.
The motion was passed on the callover without dissent.
Good news…. But did they really spell "principal" that way in para (f)? 🙂
Oops. I am afraid that is 'principally' a mistake due to the movers inferior education. We will try to fix up the minutes.
My only concern was that, as the motion was unopposed & unamended, there was no opportunity to have a discussion about these interesting issues! It did prompt me to look up the resolution 46/09 that was referred to; I see that Synod already back then expressed its “desire to be in full communion with the ACNA.”
I also note that the 2009 motion had a request about bringing a motion to the 2010 General Synod “affirming that the Anglican Church of Australia be in full communion with the ACNA.” Did the 2010 GS end up debating something along those lines?