Tomorrow afternoon local time I have the privilege of being on the Dividing Line, the webcast of Dr James White of Alpha and Omega Ministries. We’ll be chatting about all things Anglican and also turning our mind to some recent statements in the public arena on abortion.
The show will be 3:30pm Thursday Mountain Time in the US, which is 10:30pm in London and 9:30am Friday in Sydney. I’ll be sure to add the audio to my podcast too.
Seriously mate you are the most connected person I have ever known!
Tremendous show…Sort of given up on the Anglicans…you’ve me think again…thanks!
Pleased to hear it, Steve!
Excellent discussions.
Awesome to hear of an Anglican leader who holds to a strong biblical understanding.
Will keep my eyes peeled for you when you are back in Australia.
Keep up the great work. Praying for your ministry.
Cameron Spink
Thanks Cameron. Intrigued by your site and what you’re trying to achieve there. I think there was some common ground with my later statements about the philosophical underpinnings of modern thought.
My site is the younger brother of Salt Shakers (who you probably have heard of).
Though my aims, intentions and method differs from them in some ways. I am particularly framed towards young adults. Encouraging them in the faith to take their transformation seriously and not compromise to the onslaught of secularism. While, at times, my discussions dip into political dialogue this is not where I spend most of my time (whereas Salt Shakers are geared towards talking about political changes and ethics under fire).
Our mutual friend in Bendigo (where I attended University for two years) speaks very highly of you. And he is an excellent judge of character.
Hopefully there is much common ground between us. As an avid fan of James White I am sure we have more similarities than we have differences when it comes to the important things. I am very encouraged by your ministry and ability not to be silenced by what is an ever-growing crowd of critics.
Cameron Spink
is that one of my fellow-seminarians? In which case you know that he’s also a good man! Yes, I suspect we have much in common. Thanks again for your comments.