James White in Sydney

We've had a fantastic few days with James White of Alpha and Omega Ministries. He's taught at our church's weekend away, lectured at Moore College and then took part in a debate.

I'll leave it to James to tell you about it.

Quick Note from Sydney

10/16/2011 – James White
Greetings from Sydney. Today is “debate day,” where I will be speaking at Moore College in just over an hour, and then heading to my debate with Abdullah Kunde at 7pm. Please pray for our time tonight! Last evening I preached at St. Augustine's Anglican Church in Neutral Bay…love being able to see the folks clearly from that elevated pulpit! Preached from 1 Peter 3:15.

Lord willing, we will try to find a way to do a brief DL sometime this week so I can give you a report on things here “down under.”


Some Quick Pictures From a Busy Day

10/17/2011 – James White
I need to hit the hay as tomorrow will be a very, very busy and challenging day, and I have to get back up in a few short hours, but I wanted to post a couple of pictures from today's events, first, from the two hours I got to spend with some of the fine students at Moore College in Sydney. Pray for this bastion of truth as it stands firm against the waves of decline and simple apostasy of our day. Great folks there.



Next, we had a wonderful time at UNSW and the debate with Abdullah Kunde on the Incarnation. I learned a lot, and the discussion was respectfully and fully pursued. A clear witness to the gospel was given, and the saints were edified. I even got my second International Stalker. See, a few years ago I saw this fellow in Australia and talked to him, and a few months later I am in London and…there he is again! So I decided to call him my International stalker. Well Rob, who sort of leads up the street witnessing at Leicester Square in London for the group I have gone out with twice now, showed up tonight at the debate, making him International Stalker #2! It was great to see him, and all the saints who came out tonight. Most of all, my sincerest thanks for David and Jacqui Ould and all their hard work not only in arranging, but in working out the details of this trip so far.

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