You may have (but probably, and thankfully, haven’t) seen the recent tizz in the States over another of the shock-flock pastors (see, I just coined a phrase) Perry Noble.
Perry, it seems, thought it would be helpful to play ACDC’s “Highway to Hell” [wiki] on Easter Sunday in order to confront those stuffy traditionalists who need to be shaken out of their traditionalism. Or something.
And then when interviewed about it he appeared to give a different account of how he had come to that decision. And teh intarwebs (or at least a small segment of it) went nuts.
Point is, as a number of commentators have pointed out, the real issue isn’t whether or not he lied. It’s the lunacy of thinking that playing this…
…was ever going to swing people from legalistic religious observance to the gospel.
Jared at the Gospel-Driven Church nails the issue:
If you’ve got real legalists in your church — and you do — the only way to intentionally offend them is by preaching the gospel of grace in Jesus Christ. Everything else is just vain posturing and prideful provocation.
Edit.Β turns out Perry Noble just used the wrong version. He should have gone with this one….
Or this version…
Have to leave a comment quoting that…because it’s just such a great quote. Hits the nail right on the head!
isn’t it just!