A few years ago I received a review copy of an interesting new book, “Washed and Waiting”, by Wesley Hill. In it he described his own self-realisation of homosexual attraction, his grappling with those deep-set emotions, his observations on the church environment he was in and, most wonderfully, his desire to live a godly chaste life and his recommendations for how the evangelical church ought to respond to men and women in his position.
Since then others have spoken up, not least Vaughan Roberts, Sam Alberryย and the original clone. We’ve also had the great ministry of Living Out. Wesley has completed a doctrate at Durham University and now teaches at a seminary in the States.
Wesley was the keynote speaker at a Liberty Christian Ministries conference held at Village Church Annandale. Here he speaks to Annandale pastor Dominic Steele about what it means to be “Washed and Waiting”.
Mmmm, an interesting interview, and a hard one for a heterosexual person.
What l glean from this is admiration for Wesleys chasteness and his self disclipine in not allowing and handing himself over to practicing the sin of homosexuality.
The key word l think is “self disclipine” in the same way we try to exercise self disclipine in not handing ourselves over to other lusts of the flesh be it covetousness, theft, adultery and all the other things God commands us to guard ourselves against.