Santorum wins in the South

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Realistically, this has to be the end for Gingrich. And what about Romney? He just can’t win amongst the conservatives.

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  1. C.A. McCoy

    Balderdash and Poppycock . . .what it goes to show is how confused the electorate is about what Mr. Santorum really stands for. . .he’s done a great job of hiding his own stripes. . .he is far from conservative. . .he is as William Klock put it, leading the “warvangelicals”.

  2. David Ould

    you’re not the first to come here and argue that line. Which would be your preferred option, and why?

  3. Classical Right

    Rick Santorum,lobbyist,and ex-Senator from Pennsylvania who as thrown out of his seat in a record breaking landslide of 59-41 in 06,is a dangerous dumbell,and religious fanatic.In foreign policy he only wants war(he never served)and his domestic policy merely rests on banning birth control,all forms of abortion even n cases of rape and mothers health,privatizing Social Security by giving it to Wall Street,and shredding the safety net for the unemployed and the poor.This homeschooler of seven,not counting the stillborn he took home from the hospital to sleep with overnight,has disdain for public education,and say’s college is for snobs.Years ago hevwas a moderate,today he rides the wave of fundementilist,Tea Party nuts,and bigots, who have taken over the Republican Party!

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