Wilson on why he favours Santorum

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For all the criticism (no doubt some of it well-aimed) of Santorum, he remains my favoured candidate. Doug Wilson has managed to sum up far better than I could why that’s the case,

let me make something clear here — if it were not clear already. Politics is not for perfectionists, and my support for Santorum is not that of a diehard partisan. In other words, I really like his moral courage, and I believe that moral courage on basic Ten Commandments stuff is the order of the day. I want that first, certainly. But that is not all I want. I can easily envision a scenario under a Santorum administration where some lunatic economic decision would be made, one that would have me dancing in a tight little circle in front of the television, yelling and waving the remote. I can totally see that. And then if I were to calm down enough to post my sentiments on the matter in this space, it would be totally beside the point for someone (yes,Β you) to post a comment along the lines of what gives, “didn’t you support Santorum?” All right . . . just so that is noted.

And that, friends, is what I would have liked to have said if only I had half the eloquence of Wilson.

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  1. Byron Smith

    A climate denier who thinks that any government attempts to encourage ecological responsibility constitute a phoney theology of earth-worship. A Zionist who thinks that it’s ok to break international law by repeatedly threatening war. A supporter of the corporate takeover of political discourse through unregulated spending. And yet another exemplar of US messianic exceptionalism.

    1. David Ould

      so, you wouldn’t be voting for him, then? πŸ˜›

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