John Richardson, also known as the Ugley Vicar and much loved by many, asks us to pray for him…
A short update on what you may have heard or wondered about my presence/absence on acebook or the internet eg as ugley Vicar0 in the past months.
Several weeks ago I began feeling tired anhaving trouble not just working but staying awake. Then, about six weeks ago episodes of diziness developed into difficulty keeping my balance. Coupled with the fact that I need newew glasses, Working on the computer has been uncomfortable for a while.
Then, in short succession, I had two minor, but unpleasant, road accidents.
Thua I AM schduled for a preautionary brain scan this week nd M Officially off work for A MONTH OR AT at leeast until I CAN stop ‘WALKIN LIKE A Zombie. i now realize THATthe reason Zombies walk like that is to stop themselves falling over — you just have to kind of lean into the fall as you walk.
mOre news as and when I have some.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen John mistype anything before. You all know what to do.
I was wondering where he’d gone. Don’t like the sound of this at all. Praying.
A link to the latest from his Facebook account:
In case you can’t read it, John says that the scan revealed a mass on his right temporal lobe.
As someone who has had the great privilege of meeting John and being introduced to various evangelical organisations by him, as well as a regular reader of his blog, this is quite a shock. I can’t even begin to imagine how his family and parish are feeling at this time, not to mention John himself!
So yes, please do pray. Pray that God would bring restoration and His peace to the situation. Anglican evangelicals, particularly in Chelmsford, owe John a huge debt for his services over the years. I can’t think of a better way than to pray for him being healed!
thanks for the update Phil. Serious and worrying stuff