A remarkable show on Insight last night, Polygamy. Fascinating because a number of men and women argued in favour to varying degrees. Again, the question has to be,
what rational argument is there to legalise “homosexual marriage” but not polygamy or polyamory if the argument for “homosexual marriage” is the affirmation of people’s feelings?
Here’s the program:
news.com.au has an article here with some fascinating closing observations:
Polygamy recently hit the headlines as part of the same-sex marriage debate.
The Australian Christian Lobby has declared the Greens to be hypocrites because the logic they use to argue for marriage equality should extend to people who have multiple partners.
Greens Senator Sarah Hanson Young faced a backlash from polyamorists when she ruled out supporting legislation to allow multiple marriages.
The lobby group Australian Marriage Equality also entered the fray, saying they support marriage between two adults, but not between more than two.
A bit off the topic, but just noticed the House of Reps passed the following motion today, which was moved by Andrew Wilkie. Not sure what force it has – whether it can stop a bill being passed that doesn’t include an exemption, but positive nonetheless.
The order of the day having been read for the resumption of the debate on the motion of Mr Wilkie That this House agrees that should the Marriage Act 1961 be amended to allow for the marriage of same-sex couples, any such amendment should ensure that the Act imposes no obligation on any church or religious minister to perform such a marriage, 1:43:42 PM
Question That the motion be agreed to put and passed, 1:43:58 PM.