So, we’ve had an interesting morning. The movers were here and we got everything packed. Ended up being over 200ft^3 but a good price. We can thoroughly recommend them.
So the flat is much barer now. We’ll be looking for someone to rent it now.
I’m writing to you on our new laptop, a cheap Toshiba machine which is now keeping us going while the desktop ships over to Sydney. Whizzy little machine which will be a great help at University.
Next, the obligatory quiz…
Whether you harbor some vestige of modernist
morality or simply fail to see the irony in
Reality TV, one thing is clear. You are just
Not Postmodern.
What kind of postmodernist are you!?
brought to you by Quizilla
Finally, my next post will probably be the next scan of ouldjr. We go to the hospital on Tuesday. In the meantime why don’t you go and say hello?
The movers link is duff.