“Live Light in 25 Words” is a simply genius idea from the Bible Society of Australia. Here’s the premise:
We’re asking you, your friends & family and churches & schools to commit to reading the Bible daily, starting with 25 words for thirty-one days
And that’s it. No gimmicks, no tricks, just a campaign to encourage Bible reading by starting small and building up. Here’s the Bible Society of Australia getting it’s core business right,
The goal of Bible Society Australia is the same one that Bible Societies around the world have been pursuing for some 200 years: to translate, publish, distribute and engage people with the Bible.
It’s simple and yet profound. There’s a whole sea of Christians out there who struggle to get into the discipline of reading their Bibles and here’s a great programme to help sort that out by encouraging people to commit to reading just a bit of the Bible in October.
There’s opportunities for organisations like churches and schools to sign up corporately and a whole raft of great resources, partners and events to help you along the way. They’re also arranging for Christian leaders to produce devotionals based on their own 25 word readings over the month.
I love ideas like this. They demonstrate the simple and yet profound conviction of evangelicals that God does His work by the reading of His Word illumined by the Spirit. The Bible Society knocks it out of the park. Again.
Get yourself over to 25 Words.
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