Not sure how I dropped the ball on announcing this one.
The Gospel Coalition Australia has launched.
I’m looking forward to lots of locally-produced material put together and managed by a great editorial team.
You might also recognise a face or two amongst the regular contributors ๐
My first piece, “ANZAC Day – Learning from a Futile Battle“, is up right now.
Thanks for this link, David. I’m pleased to see how many of the contributors mention their love of Bach!
it’s only because they can’t spell Mozart
I guess that’s a reworking of why so many people used to put “C of E” on the census …
This is really exciting! Til now the only Aussie blogs I’ve frequented are yours and Matt Malcolm’s. Which is a tad insufficient, no offence.
Me, I’m going to take TGC with a grain of salt, thank you very much. At my own church where the Gospel has gone Lite in recent years (Holy Spirit, Repentance, Sanctification, Holiness, Worshipping with Reverence and Fear all taking a distant back seat), and the Pastor often quoting Keller, or using Crossway commentaries (owned by TGC), I think it’s fairly obvious what TGC does to a conservative church. Under the TGC, conservative churches will become less conservative and liberal churches less liberal.
It’s now all about Just Believe and All You Need is Jesus at my church. And the biggest problem, is that as a result, the pastoral care is now just a quantitative, box-ticking process.
The other concern with TGC is that at their next conference they will be promoting Covenant Contracts – which, if you read between the lines, is to enable the church to prevent a disciplined member from suing the church, and keeping them silenced. If that does not look worldly, I don’t know what does.
TGC backed conferences can look very secular – rock’n’roll style songs of worship, all about the vibe, type worship. Just look at how TGC is positioning itself regarding the Ferguson Riots. It is looking a lot like the Social Gospel from the early 20th century.
I think people and churches have been too quick to jump on TGC’s bandwagon. Does not the bible teach us to be prudent and discerning? At the very least I will wait awhile and remain sceptical until proven otherwise.
God bless TGC Aus as it builds up the Lord’s people in their most holy faith.