It’s a girl!!! We think….

So, finally we have a result. You can check it all out here.

Man, this has been a long time coming.

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This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. priatel

    I was right.

    Man I’m good at this…I’ve successfully predicted the sex of the last 5 babies I’ve been asked to guess 🙂


    1. David Ould

      cool. Good to hear from you. All well?

      1. priatel

        Very well, thanks.

        Very busy — at home (2 active offspring…), work (loads of C code to debug) and church (recently appointed as an elder, several tricky ongoing pastoral issues to manage) — but happy with the way things are going overall.


  2. inhim

    Yay! Exciting news!! Congratulations!

    So, you won’t be needing a tackle box?

  3. Anonymous

    Baby Girl

    Yes, or it could be a boy with very small tackle which the sonographer was unable to locate??????

    Best Wishes

    Andrew & Karen (Wetton)

  4. Anonymous


    wynne –
    yay!!! it’s a girl!!! so the world WILL advance when your little bundle of joy is born hehe =) gosh now the shopping for baby things will be so much more fun! congrats again!!!

    anyways wanted to tell you also that i won’t be able to make it to your farewell next sat! my best friend just told me her wedding rehearsal is right smack at 3pm on that very day. and i can’t miss it cuz i’m her co-ordinator. bummer…. =(

    so r u guys coming for bible study nxt week?

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