
A while ago I wrote about the various sports teams that I was following this year. It’s embarassing, but that was back in mid-August and, until this weekend, neither Sheffield United nor University of Illinois Football had won a game…

I said until, because finally they both came good yesterday.

First, the (not so) mighty Blades got a last-gasp winner against Middlesborough; 2-1. So, after 7 games they have 1 win, 2 draws and 4 losses. At least we’re no longer on the bottom of the table!

And theb, to cap things off, UIUC Football finally got ahead of someone, in this case the Spartans of Michigan State; 23-20.

Maybe things are looking up….

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  1. Anonymous

    The only way is Up!!

    Finally is the appropriate word. The win was long over due and hopefully now the Blades can look to going mid Table.

    Surprise here is that Nuernberg are at the top of the Table. Who would have guessed it given that this time last year they were also scraping the barrel in the Bundesliga.


    1. Anonymous

      Re: The only way is Up!!

      And the Black Hammers also went down I noticed ๐Ÿ™‚

      What does that mean for the coming Ashes?

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