From the service for the making of deacons, AAPB:
Q: Do you unreservedly believe all the canonical scriptures of the old and new testament, as given by God to convey to us in many and varied ways the revelation of himself which is fulfilled in our Lord Jesus Christ?
A: I do believe them.
That’s a question that every single person ordained in the Anglican Church of Australia (and almost identical questions are asked elsewhere) has been asked and answered in the affirmative.
Unreservedly. In the BCP it’s “unfeignedly believe”.
Without reservation and without false appearance.
In APBA (which was used for my ordination to the Diaconate) it is phrased:
Do you wholeheartedly accept the canonical Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, as given by the Spirit to convey in many and varied ways the revelation of God which is fulfilled in our Lord Jesus Christ?
I do accept them.
Dear one et al,
Please refer to email I received from the GAIC (Global Anglican Integrity Commission)