Huzzah! The fine people at Australian High Commission in Singapore have issued our student visas and, in less than 2 weeks, we will be flying to Sydney to begin my course at Moore College where I will be starting a 4 year BDiv and, hopefully, being ordained in the Anglican Church.
In not so good news my final tax assessment here in Singapore is over $2,000 and has to be paid before I leave….
All contributions welcome π
Blimey!! Do they not have PAYE in Singapore??? What’s 2K in proper money (pounds sterling)?
no, I wasn’t PAYE
and it’s 3:1 now so my bill is just over GBP700
Did you not think of setting aside for it?
And why aren’t you on Yahoo??
got reassessed because I left so soon. Original assessment was nil and then they opened it up again and taxed at 15%.
but nothing I can do…