Huzzah! The fine people at Australian High Commission in Singapore have issued our student visas and, in less than 2 weeks, we will be flying to Sydney to begin my course at Moore College where I will be starting a 4 year BDiv and, hopefully, being ordained in the Anglican Church.

In not so good news my final tax assessment here in Singapore is over $2,000 and has to be paid before I leave….

All contributions welcome πŸ™‚

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This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. pould

    Blimey!! Do they not have PAYE in Singapore??? What’s 2K in proper money (pounds sterling)?

    1. David Ould

      no, I wasn’t PAYE
      and it’s 3:1 now so my bill is just over GBP700

      1. pould

        Did you not think of setting aside for it?

        And why aren’t you on Yahoo??

        1. David Ould

          got reassessed because I left so soon. Original assessment was nil and then they opened it up again and taxed at 15%.


          but nothing I can do…

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