Utah 1 – Mormonland

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MRM_CropSo here we are in Utah, home of the Mormons – more fully known as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS). We have had the immense privilege of being the guests of Bill and Tammy McKeever. Bill is director of Mormon Research Ministries.

Mormonism Research Ministry is a missionary/apologetics organization that was organized in 1979 to propagate the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to critically evaluate the differences between Mormonism and biblical Christianity.

Our purpose is to:

  • provide factual material in printed and electronic form. This includes our bi-monthly newsletter Mormonism Researched, website, books, tracts, and tapes.
  • take the gospel directly to the Mormon people by conducting outreaches at Mormon events such as temple openings and pageants.
  • provide individual counseling with those who are questioning their Mormon faith, as well as help those who need information to share their faith with those in Mormonism.
  • educate the Body of Christ by speaking in churches, Bible colleges, seminaries, and conferences. We desire to serve all Christians who honor the fundamental tenets of the Christian faith as revealed in the Bible.

We at Mormonism Research Ministry resolve to accomplish the above in a manner that honors the Lord Jesus Christ. Our goal is not just to give compelling arguments that show Mormonism to be in error, but to be used by the Holy Spirit to see lives changed for God’s glory.

If you don’t know much about Mormonism then their website is a great place to start.

Salt Lake City is the global headquarters of the LDS and has their main temple.

The Salt Lake Temple is the centerpiece of the 10-acre (4.0 ha) Temple Square in Salt Lake City, Utah. Like other LDS temples it is considered sacred by the church and its members and a temple recommend is required to enter, so there are no public tours. The church permitted Life to publish the first public photographs of the building’s interior in 1938.[2] The temple grounds are open to the public and are a popular tourist attraction.[3] Due to its location at LDS Church headquarters and its historical significance, it is patronized by Latter-day Saints from many parts of the world. The Salt Lake Temple is also the location of the weekly meetings of the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.[4][2] As such, there are special meeting rooms in the building for these purposes, including the Holy of Holies, which are not present in other temples.

We started at the Mormon History Museum and then moved into Temple Square.

inside the Mormon Tabernacle
inside the Mormon Tabernacle
The Temple from the North Side
The Temple from the North Side
Inlay on the Temple Wall. Everything is "holy" -
Inlay on the Temple Wall. Everything is “holy”

Holiness and Perfection – the impossible goal of Mormonism

Jacqui and I in Temple Square
Jacqui and I in Temple Square

Beautiful buildings, but all contributing to a religion built upon outright historical lies and an impossible goal – perfection.


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  1. Rob Green

    Really lovely photo of the 2 of you!

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