The Unashamed Workman Returns!

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The Unashamed Workman is back! Colin Adams’ blog is for preachers, to encourage and equip them in what they do.

The aims of Unashamed Workman are:

  1. To promote and defend the vital and central practice of expository preaching for the sake of the church and the unevangelised.
  2. To encourage pastors and missionaries who are involved in a regular preaching ministry and to better equip them for their task.
  3. To hold up for younger men the aspirational role of being a preacher of God’s Word and to encourage fledgling preachers in their initial development as preachers.

If you’re a preacher then this is a must-visit site. Hie thee hence.

2 Timothy 2:15 Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.

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  1. Lectionary Sermons

    Thank you for the resources, may we all continue to encourage one another as we push on toward the goal.

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