asked me to write an article about why I went on the show.
Engaging with society and culture has always been tricky for Christians.
“In the world but not of it” is a helpful guide but what do we do when the world pushes up against us? Is it better to withdraw? Stand our ground? Or something else?
These were some of the questions I had when I was invited to take part in a documentary series that has just screened on SBS called Living with the Enemy.
I am struggling with the “doing it in love” bit. At the end of the day, when I deal with my children it’s been a matter of “this is right” or “this is wrong”. Plain and simple stuff. Likewise when we read the Ten Commandments it says “Do not”. None of this “do it in love” stuff. In my opinion l think its a case of “God says so and so” so that’s that. Similarly if homosexuality is said to be “abominable” in Gods eyes, that’s that to. This is the tried and tested old school way.
Richard B. Hays in The Moral Vision of the New Testament has a chapter on homosexuality that I think is worth reading for guidance on how to welcome homosexuals without offending them or affirming their homosexuality. It simply outlines the Christian ethical imperative to love as Christ loved. Works for me as I read in Luke how Jesus treated, went out of his way to accept outcasts. I think this is the missing link.