Southwark Responds as Story Hits the Mainstream Media

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The Southwark Muslim Prayer Story has begun to hit the mainstream media in a big way. A quick google search shows an increasing number of papers and other online news services picking it up.

allahgoddardA number of images (screengrabs from the video) are being used repeatedly including this one which shows Cannon Goddard affirming the commonality of Allah and the God of the Bible, not a sight that will make the orthodox happy and which is beginning to give the bishop of Southwark no end of trouble.

I reached out to the diocese for a response and got this:

A spokesperson for the Diocese of Southwark said,
โ€œThe Bishop of Southwark takes very seriously his responsibility to uphold the teaching of the Church and to work within its framework of legislation and guidance.
It is quite clear that Islamic prayer should not take place in a consecrated building.ย  This is why he has asked the Bishop of Kingston to investigate fully what happened. It is inappropriate to seek to make further public comments on this matter until this has happened.โ€

As the Bishop affirms his “responsibility to uphold the teaching of the Church”, conservatives will be wondering why he hasn’t done so with regard to the question of sexual ethics and same-sex blessings in particular. His initial clear response now is seen to be an outworking of the united representation that many conservatives in the diocese have made to him. Evangelicals and orthodox Anglo-Catholics represent a substantial proportion of the diocese, despite it’s liberal leadership, and an even more substantial proportion of it’s annual income. The future of diocesan finances may depend upon how this is all resolved.
As the story grows and grows, just remember where you read it first!

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This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Nigel Poore

    Funny how the muslims want to share a kafir church and “befriend” kafirs which the Koran forbids.

    I also wonder whether the reading for the day will be from the Bible or Koran.

  2. Rick

    What a champion. God bless the man who allowed for this to happen and this symbol of communal and love for God.

    1. MichaelA

      Rick, how can it be “a symbol of communal and love for God” when this church is denying the gospel to these Muslim people?

      Isn’t that rather the opposite?

  3. Rick

    I’m sure if the people want to go to church to learn more about the gospel they will not be turned away.

  4. Nigel Poore

    Well, l’m confused.

    Surely a muslim, Buddhist, Hindu or anyone can, and has always been able to go into any church to hear the gospel at any time, or alternatively read it on the Internet.

    Makes me wonder about the muslim agenda especially being a confused delirious and dark religion that cannot and does not want to assimilate with anyone else.

    A wolf in sheeps clothing comes to mind.

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