New Years Eve, Sydney

one of the many reasons to love living in Sydney

of course, one reason not to love it is the 43C heat we’re having today.

yes, you heard me right- 43C. That’s 109.4F in old money.

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  1. prester_scott

    Holy moley, that’s hotter than it ever gets here in everyone-complains-because-it’s-so-hot Florida.

    1. David Ould

      mate, you’re not wrong.

      It’s so hot that this morning they announced a pre-emptive bishfire emergency. This way, the fire teams are all ready to go when the inevitable happens.

  2. detroitfather

    I think I would take 109.4F in trade for the cold weather we get here in Detroit. Well, it seems bitter cold to me. I have never really made the adjustment.

  3. little_teacup

    43C; yikes. That’s brutal. I hope you have plenty AC!

    Sydney does look pretty, though πŸ™‚

    My boyfriend is visiting his parents in Australia for the holidays…they’re in Brisbane, though.

    Happy New Year! God bless.

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