more Ethan photos

Jacqui and Ethan came home today. It’s great to have the whole family together again and Charis is certainly happy. The day went well. On a full belly Ethan will sleep for well over 4 hours!! As I write this it’s gone midnight and we pray that he will keep his record up through the night!!!

And now, more cuteness…

Ethan deep in contemplation

these are, probably, my 2 favourite photos at the moment.

Charis laying claim to her brother.

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This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. curly

    you guys are the cutest little family!!

  2. taftman


    Those are some cute kids. Looks like a very healthy new one.

    The Lord wasnt kidding when he said that children were blessings.


    – Rob

  3. little_teacup

    Awwwwwww! I’m so happy for you guys! πŸ˜€

    God bless!

  4. Anonymous


    Many congratulations to you both!


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