our home church, St. Augustineâ™s Neutral Bay, is gearing up for a new venture this July. Hereâ™s the preliminary advertising…
Have any of you tried this sort of venture? Iâ™d love to hear your war stories.
our home church, St. Augustineâ™s Neutral Bay, is gearing up for a new venture this July. Hereâ™s the preliminary advertising…
Have any of you tried this sort of venture? Iâ™d love to hear your war stories.
Is this “pub” as in “bar”… meaning that they have church in a bar type environment with drinks served and such?
yup, exactly right. I suspect that that wouldn’t work for a number of Southern Baptists…. 😀
You suspect right! =P
*koff* legalism *koff*
*prays for your salvation*
I agree with. I have no problem sitting down to discuss theology over a pint, but I don’t think it should be sponsored by the church. Because soon enough, it begins to replace true worship.
(As a pseudo-Southern Baptist, I know plenty of people who’d have a conniption fit over the church saying drinking is OK… but I’ve had some great evangelism opportunities with a drink in my hand.)