one of the more interesting memes

tagged by Peter, the clone.

 1. How many books do you own?

Lots and lots. Quite a few hundred. Not that I’ve read them all, of course. Plus, I’m getting more and more keen on the old “Book on CD” by Libronix – doesn’t clutter up your bookshelf so much.

2. What was the last book you bought?

Gosh, something tedious for college. Ozment, Age of Reform. Actually, not that tedious.

3. What was the last book you read?

I’m trundling through a number now. I’m enjoying Robbie Williams’ “Feel”. Great for understanding where he and that generation are at in terms of spirituality. Expect an article about it at some time if I can get my act together.

4. What are some books that have meant a lot to you?

Institutes – Calvin’s systematic still remains by far and way the best Christian theology, not just in terms of it’s content but also it’s methodology

On being a Christian – yes, I know what you’re thinking: ‘how can liberal Hans Kung mean a lot to you?’. Here’s the thing, it was reading Kung that finally convinced me of the utter bankruptcy of liberal theology. I could say the same of Spong’s “Why Christianity must change or die” but I can’t stop laughing.

Desiring God – Piper’s best work on “Christian Hedonism”. Like or love the moniker, any serious Christian should read this book. All it requires, in my humble estimation, is a little stronger emphasis on Christocentricity. Which brings me to…

Christophanies, the person of Christ in the Old Testament – Borland. This is quite a book! A simple and clear exposition objectively demonstrating the person of the Son in the OT. Ever wondered how the OT saints were saved without knowledge of the Son? The answer is, they weren’t!!. Also worth reading is Jonathan Stephens’ series of expositions on the same subject published by Day One; turns the dry theology into masterful homiletic.

I’m sure there are more, but those are the ones that stick out at the moment…

5. Tag! You’re it: detroitpainter jonnydarko jjostm prester_scott etruth kjs and anyone else that wants to….

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This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. etruth

    I’m assuming you mean me and not the other mythical e underscore truth. I was actually tagged with this about a month ago and dodged doing it. But I think I’ll get on it 🙂

  2. detroitfather

    I’ve done this meme also. My post is here.

    However, that was a bit of a light-hearted post. If you want to know some of the more serious books that have meant a lot to me, I can list some of them here.

  3. jjostm

    I just noticed that you tagged me. I took care of this même already. I’m not sure where the actual post is, but I have the pictures here.


    1. Anonymous

      Reminds me I want to get a book-holder thingy.

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