new-look website

so, I’ve changed the look of the website. Big prize to the first person to correctly guess the source of the new title.

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  1. h1s_songb1rd

    Boniface of Montferrat, Crusader and king of Salonika?

    1. h1s_songb1rd


      How many guesses do we get? ๐Ÿ˜‰

      1. David Ould



        How many guesses do we get? ๐Ÿ˜‰

        as many as you need (which is going to be quite a few…)

          1. h1s_songb1rd

            Hmmmmm, and I still don’t win?? lol

                  1. h1s_songb1rd

                    Oh… well, you led me to believe part of the answer was right when you asked about Botany, you. Phooey. :p ๐Ÿ™‚

                    1. David Ould

                      well, part of it was

                    2. h1s_songb1rd

                      lol, you’re as bad as my 12-year-old. Which part?

                    3. h1s_songb1rd

                      Meaning that he likes to keep me guessing. ๐Ÿ™‚

                      He’s very mature. ๐Ÿ˜€

                      It wasn’t an insult.

                      I promise.

  2. priatel

    Didn’t he cut down an oak tree that was dedicated to Thor, and use it’s wood to build a church?

    Not exactly “botany”, but close.


    1. priatel

      Digging a bit further, “as the tree split, a beautiful young fir tree sprang from its center. Saint Boniface told the people that this lovely evergreen, with its branches pointing to heaven, was indeed a holy tree, the tree of the Christ Child, a symbol of His promise of eternal life.”

      Allegedly the origin of Christmas trees.


    2. David Ould

      that’s the man, the proper sort of “multi-faith” service.

      1. priatel

        So, what’s my prize?

        Or, should I say, “price”? ๐Ÿ™‚


        1. David Ould

          Re: So, what’s my prize?

          2 things,

          the major prize of the immense satisfaction of knowing the right answer.

          And, for you, the special bonus prize of a year’s subscription to ukrc; I won’t be needing it any more ๐Ÿ™

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