I’m Spartacus: another attack on Freedom of Speech in the UK

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His Grace has extraordinary news,

Apparently there have been a number of complaints about one of the advertisements His Grace carried on behalf of the Coalition for Marriage. He has been sent all manner of official papers, formal documentation and threatening notices which demand answers to sundry questions by a certain deadline. He is instructed by the β€˜Investigations Executive’ of this inquisition to keep all this confidential.

Since His Grace does not dwell in Iran, North Korea, Soviet Russia, Communist China or Nazi Germany, but occupies a place in the cyber-ether suspended somewhere between purgatory and paradise, he is minded to ignore that request. Who do these people think they are?

His Grace is further minded to respond that he has neither fear of nor hatred for the gay and lesbian community, though he is a little pissed off with 10 of them. They could easily have emailed His Grace with their complaint, and we could all have had a jolly good chinwag about the whole thing. Instead, they called in the Gestapo to censor the assertion that marriage is a life-long union between one man and one woman, in accordance with the teaching of the Established Church, the beliefs of its Supreme Governor, and the law of the land.Β But to say so is now, apparently, β€˜offensive and homophobic’.Β Well, His Grace won’t be censored. He is further minded to provide the ASAwith a copy of his well-publicised β€˜bottom line’ (from the right-hand margin):

Freedom of speech must be tolerated, and everyone living in the United Kingdom must accept that they may be insulted about their own beliefs, or indeed be offended, and that is something which they must simply endure, not least because some suffer fates far worse…
Unless, of course, we are no longer free, our democracy is no longer liberal, and it is now an offence to express the moderate view of the majorityand promote the orthodox teaching of the Church of England Established.
And all over this advert:
How utterly ridiculous. As Cranmer points out, in the UK…
…it is now an offence to express the moderate view of the majority and promote the orthodox teaching of the Church of England Established.
Well, the more of us that post it up, the better, particularly if you’re in the UK. Download and stick it up. Then go to the Campaign for Marriage website and sign the petition.

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