this site is totally awesome….

It had to be done

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This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. h1s_songb1rd

    1. Calvinists are mammals.

    2. Calvinists believe in divine sovereignty ALL the time.

    3. The purpose of the Calvinist is to flip out and give the glory to God. All the time. Only.

    ALL the time??
    Was this this translated from the Greek?
    Does all really mean all??


  2. kjs

    Ahaha, excellent.

  3. ryft


  4. pould

    Uber Cool. With a bit of proper HTML it could be doublepluscool.

  5. detroitfather

    Great job, mate!

    I do think you veered from the form a bit (you didn’t use the word “pee-pee”, for example). Nice spin on the bragable part. That is, of course, one of the best points of Calvinism — nothing is ultimately bragable.

    Your page makes me want to totally flip out and give glory to God!!!!!!!

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