Why the “Rudd as Theologian” Affair Is So Important. And so Dangerous.

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Here’s more from Kevin Rudd, answering questions yesterday:

Just a couple of observations:

  1. He says “I know a bit about my New Testament” but then proceeds to trot out the usual stereotypes without giving a fair and balanced explanation of what are fully acknowledged to be difficult texts to set out.
  2. He uses a old tired “cloth of two types” style of argument. For someone who “knows their New Testament” this shows a brazen disregard for detailed and cogent responses to these dilemmas that areย found in the New Testament itself!ย (e.g. Matt. 5:17-20; Acts 15:1-21; Hebrews 10:1 etc.) What Rudd actually demonstrates is that he doesn’t really know his New Testament at all.
  3. More importantly still we should note the increasing contempt with which he speaks about the Bible. This is not simply Rudd saying that certain sections of the Bible ought to be discarded, this is Rudd communicating in tone and manner (whether he likes it or not) that the Bible itself is ridiculous and that those who hold to a consistent view of the Bible are ridiculous.
  4. This contempt is always the end result. Ultimately since opponents are not able to reject the actual argument in the Bible they must reject the Bible itself.
  5. This contemptuous rejection of the Bible and Christians is done by someone who calls themselves a Christian.
  6. This contemptuous rejection of the Bible and Christians is done by the head of government.

And that last one, my friends, is why this is so important and so dangerous. This isn’t really about sexual ethics at all – it’s far more important than that. The most powerful man in the country, ourย leader, just declared open season on ridiculing Christians and the Bible. I hope not, but I suspect we may very well be entering a new season.

I’m loathe to tell others how to vote. I have deliberately avoided it up till now since I am a great believer that Christians are free to decide on many and various issues and that there is enough latitude in the Scriptures on a whole raft (but perhaps not asylum-seeker-boat) of issues so as to preclude one single authoritative “Christian” way to vote. As Christians we’re urged to pray for our leaders no matter who they are and I want to encourage us all to continue to pray for Prime Minister Rudd and whoever will be our Prime Minister from Saturday onwards, whether Rudd or Abbot.

However, we understand that one of our desires in praying for our leaders is as set out in the New Testament:

1Tim. 2:1 ย ย  I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all peopleโ€” 2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.

I’m no fan of sensationalism, but I think it’s clear that Rudd’s comments are not conducive to Christians who trust God’s word being able to live more peaceful and quiet lives. Quite the opposite. As I said, Rudd has publicly called open season upon us from his position as Prime Minister. And I think that’s worth considering on Saturday when we go to the polls.

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  1. James Chik

    David, I want to go a step further from your comment. The problem with Rudd now is that he’s no longer just a politician who goes to church, but one which non-Christians and liberal Christians view as a “committed believer” who also accepts the liberal view (if there could be such an oxymoron) on homosexuality, etc. He’s hailed as the poster boy and people are saying why can’t other Christians be like him?

    Once again the presenting issue is X but the real issue is contempt for the authority of scripture.

  2. Melissa

    Good point Jimmy.

    My husband Peter & I were saying the same thing after we saw the interview replayed on TV last night. Contempt for scripture’s authority which esstentially is what Liberal Christians do. They deny God’s commandments and do as they please – which ironically is what SIN is all about and that takes us back to needing salvation which comes to us through Christ not only as our Saviour BUT our LORD (authority over our lives) as well.

    {an aside:- my Mum Denise says Hi, she is standing over my sholder and noticed your name, “Oh yes I remember that boy” – “ahh, mum he is all grown up now” ๐Ÿ™‚ }

  3. Vijai

    Why does he even call himself a Christian? His own principle “if it offends some people, so be it” can also be applied vice-versa that if the Bible’s clear teaching on homosexuality and marriage offend “some” people, so be it! The Bible (the gospel) has always been offensive to all who are not wiling to repent and change … I even wonder what really is his view of Christ and the gospel … sad to see a country’s leader misusing and twisting the Bible to fit his own unbiblical ideas and motives … all to win some extra votes from the gay community and all those who are pro-gay …

  4. “This isnโ€™t really about sexual ethics at all โ€“ itโ€™s far more important than that. The most powerful man in the country, our leader, just declared open season on ridiculing Christians and the Bible. I hope not, but I suspect we may very well be entering a new season.”

    This is it in a nutshell. Kevin is pretty much making it all up on the run with throw away lines and little snippets of Christianese. This may tickle the ears of many, but for those who endure sound teaching we can see the straw man he is building.

  5. Cameron Spink

    “Who are we to question someone’s claims to faith?”
    Isn’t that how the line goes?

    Great follow-up article.
    You are a breath of fresh air in the secular-saturated blogosphere.

  6. Phil Taylor (@youthpasta)

    What is it about politicians wanting to tell people what the Bible teaches and then being completely wrong? I much preferred it when politicians may well have had a faith but didn’t really use it to try and tell people what to believe.

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