The Diocese of Wangaratta has passed their motion calling for the blessing of individuals who have taken part in a same-sex wedding. The voting, reported by prominent supporter of the motion Ven. John Davis (Archdeacon Emeritus of the Diocese), was that 67 for, 18 against and one abstention.
Davis has published his speech in support of the motion.

The “two men” that Davis refers to in his speech are himself and his long-term partner Robert Whalley. The packed country church is to be St Paul’s Milawa. The date is 2 weeks from today – 14 September 2019.
The invitations, sent out with the Diocese of Wangaratta crest upon them, refer to “a service of Morning Prayer with music, prayers and blessings appropriate to the occasion.”
The occasion is what will no doubt be the first of the blessings that the synod has just approved of, with Bishop John Parkes himself in attendance.
While has known of this event for several weeks, we have chosen to only publish now that Davis himself has publicised the event. Were Bishop Parkes to preside in any way over this event it would only compound the sense of his break of collegiality with the other bishops of the national church and their hard-won agreement.
It is understood that senior conservative bishops are now almost certain to proceed with disciplinary measures against Bishop Parkes. We’ll try and keep the readers of updated on these sad events.
The selfishness of this bishop and the two old priests is astounding. They are prepared to divide the church, as they acknowledge, for the selfish end of their own gratification. They are willingly pushing us all towards the point where fellowship becomes impossible. It is truly a Joshua 24:15 moment.
Could someone explain to me why Israel Folau is right & ought to be extended all defences to express his, we understand, honestly, sincerely & independently held views despite seeming to be contrary to the interests & wishes of his employer / organisation, and yet not so for the Bishop of Wangaratta? Legal challenges may play out for both, which is the usual sign of relationship breakdown & not a good look.
hi Geoff, I think it’s really quite simple.
Irrespective of whether Folau or Parkes are right or wrong there is a fundamental difference between them.
Folau has spoken out in public about something entirely peripheral to what he was employed to do. Parkes has led his entire diocese into something entirely contrary to his consecration vows, the clearly expressed mind of the national church and an agreement he entered into with his fellow bishops. Plus, questions of blessing, sin and marriage and all that they represent run to the very core of our self-understanding as the Anglian Church of Australia.
They are two entirely different scenarios.
Thanks David. So if Bp Parkes had agreed not to do what he did then that seems to be a problem. As might seem to be the case with Mr Folau, if such details in Court are made public. Perhaps he/they should have chosen to resign rather than not follow conscience or break agreements?
I don’t know but to what extent is independence of bishop & diocese enshrined or expected to be applied? I wonder if distinction will be made concerning any sanctions applied to Bp Parkes for his leading and separately also to the synod for its voting to approval? Tricky waters.
And re Mr Folau – he plays rugby but in his context, and that for all elite highly paid sports players, that is a means to an end – a very big business end. And his engagement with the paying public, whose consumer habits is highly coveted by all high-paying sponsors, I would say is anything but peripheral. And he would know that.
Galatians 3:28
Romans 12:15-18
James 2:1-4
Matthew 25:31-46
I believe the importance of God and love and spreading love. If we exclude these men because heterosexual marriage is ‘not ok’ we are excluding LGBTIQ people which is not what Jesus asks.
He asks that we don’t judge people and include them an example may be Zacchaeus.
As Ephesians 4:31-32 “31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”
Bring a plate to share? I’ll bring the cocktail frankfurts!
Hi Geoff. I think we’ll leave them to it 🙂
For clarity, I trust nobody is foolish enough to think my posting of these details (which are also, due the their own decision to speak to the media, in the public domain) is an invitation to disrupt the event. On the contrary, leave them to have their day in peace.